My weight is strangely back up to where it was at my 1st appt. I guess our scale was off at home. I think the m/s might be on it's way out. I seem to have a bad day every 3-4 days, then a recovery day, then a day or 2 of OK days. Evenings are still touch and go, much to D's dismay, since that's the only time I really get to see him.
Next appt is Dec. 22, right before Christmas! And if you can believe *that*, the appt after that will be the 'big' anatomy scan when normal people usually find out if they're having a boy or girl. I'm kind of liking all of this happening around the holidays because holiday crap is a nice distraction. I might even be wild and crazy and put up a Christmas tree this year. OK, if one goes up, it'll be a smaller 7' one, not the gigundo 12' we usually have. Fake, of course (I'm deathly allergic to pine).
Yesterday I was out shopping with a friend and she was picking up her kids' Xmas pictures. Another lady was there w/ a 6mo baby boy getting his pics taken. C was all excited and exclaimed, "Look!!! You'll have one of *those* next year!!!"
I think I might be beginning to believe it. Maybe....
Yay--what a cute u/s pic! You won't BELIEVE how much he grows before your next one! It's incredible. I keep seeing babies myself and thinking how unreal it is that I'm going to have one of those soon--it STILL hasn't sunk in. Congratulations on almost being 12 weeks!! Woohoo! Hopefully your m/s will be gone in time for all the holiday food--yum!
That's awesome!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see him continue to grow!
Yep, you're going to have one of *those* all your own. :)
Believe it and enjoy it!! :)
What a great u/s pic! And you WILL get those baby Christmas pics taken next year. :-)
Oh wow!!!! What an AMAZING PIC!!!! That LOOKS like a little wee baby and everything!!!
I was happy to see the title of your post - yes, you ARE going to have a baby, and I am happy you get to truly experience the joy of that with the approaching holidays.
Wow! Great picture!! Yes, you are definitely going to have a baby. (; How exciting to think about baby pictures for next year. Grow, baby, grow!!!
That really IS a great picture. It must feel so very wonderful to say that. Awwwwww!
Yay, yay, yay! You have to put up the tree now - its practice for next year when junior will be "helping". I'm so pleased all is going well so far and you're starting to feel better!
Happy 12 weeks!! WHOOHOO:)
Way too cute!!!!!!!!!!! Happy 12 wks as well!!!!! yah! i am not too far behind you! just three more weeks togo!!! :) i dont think i have yet let it sink in either! But girl your PG and that is the cutest u/s pic i have ever seen!!! cant wait to see more!!!!! YAH!!!!
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