Wednesday, July 30, 2008


HOLY COW. The phone just rang and it was CCRM.

2 embryos are normal.
1 abnormal. w/ an extra chromosome on #16 and #19.

Interestingly they don't give the gender info until after you do a transfer. (not that it matters...)

Not sure what to do now.



g said...

YAH!!! whats u gonna do girl!! you have two great embies! ;) how many did you send off to test? YAH how excted r u!

Josée Martens said...

This is so amazing. I am so excited. So when can you get those two embies transferred back? Late august? So excited for you!

Cindy said...

Woohoo! Can't wait to hear what you decide to do!

Anonymous said...

wow-that's awesome. So happy for ya :)

Joy said...

I am so glad the wait is over for you. Two is fantastic news.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great news! So, now it's decision time. Can't wait to hear what you decide...

Christi said...

that's great! I have my ER on tuesday, we're doing CGH testing as well...
