Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fert Report!

The numbers are definitely better than last time.
12 eggs retrieved
10 mature
10 ICSI'd
6 fertilized

We're doing a 3 day transfer on Saturday July 21st and they'll call again tomorrow morning with a report of how the embryos are developing.

I did ask if she had any observations about the egg quality since that was definitely an issue last time. She said that there were 2 distinct groups of eggs- quality wise, poor and moderate. The poor group had very dark zonas (you all can google that one) but overall she said they looked like the eggs of "a much older woman". With that said, she said some from each group DID fertilize. We'll know more tomorrow.

Please keep us in your thoughts/prayers, we're hoping for some good embryos to transfer on Saturday... and perhaps even some left to freeze? Wow, look at that optimism!


Cindy said...

Lookin' good!!!

nickoletta100 said...

Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!Good luck!!!

M said...

That is a good report...I am glad you are optimistic. I really hope you have some beautiful ones to transfer...and at least a couple to freeze.