Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quickie post

B/w this morning was OK... progesterone was ok at 7.8 ( Ithink) meds stay the same. Estradiol is up to 900 something, and I get to cut back to 3 patches! I was just telling D last night how thankful I am that I don't have to do PIO shots. Man those suck.

More b/w again on thursday, then the BIG ultrasound on Friday AM. I'll post ASAP. Hopefully with pictures!

Ok, time to find something to eat before I puke. (I feel like I have the flu, food poisoning, or something else equally unsavory)


Unknown said...

I used to carry around entire sleeves of Saltine crackers - in the car, at my office, next to the bed - worked wonders for the nausea!

Cindy said...

I would say I'm sorry you're feeling crappy, but I'm not. I'm thrilled. :) :) :)

DAVs said...

I'm so excited to see the ultrasound pics!

THANKS for the GonalF offer--but I *think* I have secured enough. If I end up stimming mega long (which has happened in the past) I might hit you up...

Hang in there with the nausea. I know you hate to hear it, but it's only a good sign. In fact, everyone I've known that had horrible nausea that started this early was pregnant with twins....

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I made the phone consult with CCRM for 10/24...you're story keeps my hopes up! I'm thinking about you. - Lyndsey

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your u/s!! Can't wait to hear about your little bean/s! :) I bet you feel like you just finished a marathon all the time!! Thinking about you and D! -S and J

Polly Gamwich said...

YAY!! So excited!! Can't wait to see your miracles!!

Christi said...

Good LUck today! what time is your ultrasound??