Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, I could be having symptoms, it could be all in my head, it could be the meds. I have no idea what actual pregnancy 'symptoms' are.
I feel a little bloated, it could be the bag of powdered donuts I ate earlier in the week.
The girls are a bit bigger, it could be the progesterone...
The girls are a little sensitive, too. Also a progesterone side effect.
My stomach feels like I'm hungry, but I just ate dinner.

It could be nothing... it could be SOMETHING.

Tomorrow is 10dpo and I could plausibly test and get 'results'. Or I could get nothing. I DO NOT want to see nothing, so I'm terrified of testing. But yet I want to know... but I don't want to know. Ugh. Tuesday is a very long time from now.


CappyPrincess said...

I can only imagine this is one of the longest weeks of your life. Best wishes (and crossed fingers) for good results.


kgriffin said...

I'm definitely pulling for you! You deserve great news whichever day you decide to test!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel nuerotic if you give in and test. There's no way I could wait if I were in your position. I totally understand that you wouldn't want to see a BFN, too. If you can just remind yourself that there's a good chance that you can get a BFN this early and not let yourself get down and freaked out about it, then I say go for it. Also, when I was about 11-12 dpo, I had a BFN blood test and then had a BFP urine a couple days later so even blood tests can be wrong that early! Good luck! It sounds like you're having symptoms. I think a twin pregnancy might show up earlier when you POAS so you could get a BFP!

Cindy said...

Thinking of you, hon.

Anonymous said...

I know how hard it is to wait to test (I always gave in early!) - I totally support whenever you decide to do it, and I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best!

RB said...

Stay strong Annie! I personally would wait until the beta. Good luck to you, these 5 days will be be over before you know it.

g said...

keeping everything crossed!!! cant wait til beta!!!! i just know that it will be good news!! i just know it! ;)

Echloe said...

Good luck. I really hope this one is it for you.